Wednesday 10 February 2010

Club Cooee 3D world experience

Hi All,
I think u all know me :D...ok this is Amit and my name on clubcooee is Amit

Now about clubcooee: Its a 3d social networking where u can create ur own avatar and chat live with others from all over the world in different rooms and different locations on same. Its is a next generation messaging, adding visual, emotional, personal experience as well as all kind of rich media to normal chatting.

Users can meet, chat, flirt, share media files and make new friends from all over the world within 3D rich media chatrooms including video and pictures screens, music streams and direct links to websites. Besides meeting in branded rooms of partners users can easily decorate their own rooms.

Ok this was enough intro about Cooee :D

ClubCooee and me:

I joint clubcooee as on 23/7/2009 as recommended by my real life best friend. At start i didn't really liked it :)...but as days passed, i started getting more and more addicted to it. U can see my activity below as on 10/2/2010
Member since: 23.07.2009
Last online: 10.02.2010
Local time: 01:51:35pm
Online hours: 1306.2h
Chats: 264697

U may notice my number of Chats and thats really vast and huge :D...thanks to my >35 wpm typing

I joint it for fun and entertainment ...but had a lot and lot of good and bad experiences and up and downs as i got deep into this :p.
People know me here as one of the most coolest member to deal with and idk why but i m very famous among girls of cooee :D... Many girls wish to be my Cooee GF but gets upset with me when i say NO :)...

Ya i m ClubCooee Staff and supporter. Supporters role is to help newbies and maintain peace among people around ;). Also i like to be calm to everyone and i dont really report someone for bad behavior but try to calm down that person from my side at my best :).

I am like one of the rich member on cooee as i used cooee cash for which we need to utilize credit card or some other means :D. I got 7 rooms on cooee those are: Palace of Greenery garden, Icepit the living room, Gateway of India, Highlight Reel VIP room, Railway Track and Bedroom.
Early Gateway of India was small and untidy like some then i demolished it and rebuilt a complete new big and neat Gateway which is liked by most people to visit there. Its really like a tourist place and people like to click there photos here just like real Gateway of India :D.

I got a lot of friends in my list and some are really so good and others are not so good or bad ;). I will really like to describe few of closest people to me on clubcooee. :)

1] amyshortname:

Amy is my best-est friend on Cooee and we are friends since last 7 months or more. She is a teenager girl from Ireland but matured enough with her chats. Pink is her favorite color and she loves pink more than anything in her life :D. She is one who i love most on cooee and same is from her side ^^. She is very sweet and really so polite all time. She chat with very very few people on cooee and specially comes to chat with me (i m proud of that :D).

Amy speaks means chats very less even to me. I have to sometimes force her to write by asking her few things :D. I discuss almost everything with her even about personal life few times as she is really close to me :). She is a one who never left me and is always with me whenever she is online :). I even know that if she dont find me online she goes offline immediately :D. I offered her to be my CGF but she said she really got no time as she is busy with school work and few times with other networks too :). Also very recently we both had a small dispute which then turned big but then sorted out next day (Thanks god really) and we are back to normal :).
NVM whenever she is with me i feel like i won everything and always happy to be with her :)

2] Monty:

Monty is also my best-est friend on cooee :). Monty and me both met since after few days i joint. He is also from India and we met in old English lobby and then became best friends in few days.
Monty is a very cool boy and he likes to pull others legs always :D. Maybe few people dont like him bcoz of his mischievous nature... but he is very good by mind and heart :p. He sometimes like to flirt with girl but he is very weak in He comes very rare online and i enjoy with him and have a lot of fun as he is funny guy :D.. I call him mostly. i never saw this guy serious anytime and enjoyed always with him ;)..


Mona is my xgf and 1st gf on cooee. We both met at